Freelancer: dcm0072
Report Entry

interactive game

Use the keyboard to control a bird flying around. Try to avoid obstacles, like the flying dragons in the picture. Different options might be trying to land on difficult things like a moving object, or enemies that shoot at the bird. Pure javascript games used to be pretty clunky but this seems to work fine on my pc. Just javascript, css and HTML as per description :)

Contest Entry #12 for                                                 Javascript, CSS, HTML Control Design

Public Clarification Board

  • dcm0072
    • 7 years ago

    No, they're just bouncing around inside a div element actually :)

    • 7 years ago
  • Xtingwish
    Contest Holder
    • 7 years ago

    I like the thought process. Did you build ontop of a canvas?

    • 7 years ago