Freelancer: DigitalSaiS
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Content Calendar

CONTENT CALENDAR: Now, I will give you an idea of what needs to be done : Cause creating a content calendar for a year ahead by itself is a basic marketing mistake. We can make such a calendar for 3 months ahead max and then we need to analyze, iterate and optimize. Any I'll give you a huge list of ideas : which we can use to the months to come. We need to do alot of audience and competitor research first to understand the niche better and see which piece of content works better. Content Types we should iterate between Offers Customer reviews Personalized Product / brand photos Employees going live and talking about the place - keep it personal Video of customers speaking about their experience Inspiring posts Sometimes, post something educational Tell a story with your photo Show things behind scenes Ask your audience a question Share a fun fact about yourself Share a tip from your industry Promote a contest/Giveaway Promote an influencer Occasional personal selfies might work

Contest Entry #4 for                                                 Create a daily content calendar for a Year for Facebook for Airbnb hosts to target leisure and business travelers

Public Clarification Board

  • diablitoise
    Contest Holder
    • 4 years ago

    Thank you this is a good job!

    • 4 years ago