Freelancer: Tanvirshahriar7
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Everybody Can Do Something

The great words of Mother Teresa inspired a lot of volunteering organizations for years. During a pandemic like this, she gave all she could give to serve people without any money or property. She continued her noble deeds and written her name in the history book as a signature of peace. Now, we have to do something to help people in this crisis time. Corona (COVID-19) virus has taken already 64000 lives worldwide. Not a single country was spared. Italy, Spain, France, and the USA have struggled the most due to COVID-19. Everywhere, the death toll is rising drastically. Doctors, Nurse and the administration of every country need helping hands and technical advice. That's where the volunteers need to show up. It's now or never.

Contest Entry #14 for                                                 Create a doc file with interactive images representing our motives for Our Website

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