by ThomasGriffiths

This website was for the singer in the band I was in at the time. She just wanted a business card on the net, but wanting to experiment with Drupal I ended up giving her much more than that. The site allows her to place her lessons and gigs on a map and calendar, filterable by event type. On clicking on an item in the map the times and dates of the event are displayed. With this site I really got to know the Views module and what it is capable of. I took the photograph for the background myself.

image of username ThomasGriffiths Flag of United Kingdom Manchester, United Kingdom

About Me

Having designed websites for friends on an informal basis for many years, I am now seeking suitably paid work. My experience lies primarily with Drupal, though I am also familiar with Wordpress and Joomla. I have been using HTML and CSS since 2001. More recently I have become versed in PHP, having done plenty of theming for Drupal and submitted minor patches for modules. My most recent work has also called for forays into MySQL, Javascript (including jQuery) and Regex. I run my own VPS and can provide hosting with the kind of attention that cannot be bought from large, established companies for anything less than an astronomical fee. I operate a multilayered backup policy with near-religious fervour. I am currently studying for a BSc in Sound Engineering and Design at the university of Bolton. Before this I studied Music Composition with Digital Arts at Dartington College of Arts where I achieved firsts before deciding to change tack.

